The 21st Skids Game is only days away! Please check out all the links below - Flights, Rooms, Practice rounds and Ryder Cup. Email Brian or Joe if there are any changes that need to be made. Also check out last years winning teams and individual scores - since most of you are hacks, a little strategy never hurts.
**The History of The Skids Game** (coming soon...)
Hotel: Course:
Hampton Inn Hotel Canyon Lakes GC486 Bradley Blvd 3700 Canyon Lakes Dr.
Richland, WA 99352 Kennewick, WA 99337
509.943.1797 509.582.3736
*NEW* Greens Fees *NEW*
(Prices include range balls and cart)
Thursday; $43.00 +tax (2nd round $21.50)
Friday: $48.00 +tax
Saturday: $53.00 +tax
***Pay Joe here with Paypal***
Thursday, March 12th
-Practice Rounds @ Canyon Lakes GC; 4 times @ 8.04am & 12 times @ 11.08am
-9PM Calcutta Auction & Team Draw at the Hampton Inn
Friday, March 13th
-8.30AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-5.00PM Awards Ceremony at hotel
-5.30PM Grub and Drinks at hotel
-6.00PM No Limit Hold 'Em Poker Tournament at hotel
Saturday, March 14th
-8.00AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-1.00PM Lunch provided at course
-1.30PM Awards
Thursday, March 12th
-Practice Rounds @ Canyon Lakes GC; 4 times @ 8.04am & 12 times @ 11.08am
-9PM Calcutta Auction & Team Draw at the Hampton Inn
Friday, March 13th
-8.30AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-5.00PM Awards Ceremony at hotel
-5.30PM Grub and Drinks at hotel
-6.00PM No Limit Hold 'Em Poker Tournament at hotel
Saturday, March 14th
-8.00AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-1.00PM Lunch provided at course
-1.30PM Awards
Past Years Scores and Winners;
- 2008 Friday & Saturday Scores
- 2008 Calcutta Results
- 2007 Friday & Saturday Results
- 2007 Calcutta Results
Check to see who is Sandbaggin..
Email Joe or Brian with changes to roommates/nights/practice rounds etc, at
bwalks2@yahoo.com or jwalks2@yahoo.com