The Rules & Regulations:
The How:
Hampton Inn Hotel ----------------------Canyon Lakes GC
486 Bradley Blvd -------------------------3700 Canyon Lakes Dr.
Richland, WA 99352 ---------------------Kennewick, WA 99337
509.943.4400 -----------------------------509.582.3736
486 Bradley Blvd -------------------------3700 Canyon Lakes Dr.
Richland, WA 99352 ---------------------Kennewick, WA 99337
509.943.4400 -----------------------------509.582.3736
The Cost:
Greens Fees:
(Prices include range balls and cart)
Thursday; $47.00 (2nd round $23.50)
Friday: $52.00
Saturday: $57.00
(Prices include range balls and cart)
Thursday; $47.00 (2nd round $23.50)
Friday: $52.00
Saturday: $57.00
Hotel Cost: $110/night (divided by roomies)
The Itinerary:
Thursday, March 10th
-Practice Rounds @ Canyon Lakes GC; 17 tee times.
8.04am thru 8.12am (2 times), 10.36am thru 11.48am (10 times),
-Practice Rounds @ Canyon Lakes GC; 17 tee times.
8.04am thru 8.12am (2 times), 10.36am thru 11.48am (10 times),
12.44pm thru 1.16pm (5 times)
-9PM Calcutta Auction & Team Draw at the Hampton Inn
(snacks and beverages provided)
-9PM Calcutta Auction & Team Draw at the Hampton Inn
(snacks and beverages provided)
Friday, March 11th
-8.30AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-5.00PM Grub and Drinks at hotel
-5.30PM Award ceremony
-6.00PM You fill in the blanks (poker, dice, bowling, casino, etc)
-8.30AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-5.00PM Grub and Drinks at hotel
-5.30PM Award ceremony
-6.00PM You fill in the blanks (poker, dice, bowling, casino, etc)
Saturday, March 12th
-8.00AM Reverse Shotgun @ Canyon Lakes GC
-1.00PM Lunch provided at course
-1.30PM Awards
-2.00PM on the road
The Competition: (updates in progress)
The Past Years Scores & Winners:
2010 Actual Scorecard *NEW*
2010 Calcutta Results (updated soon)
2010 Calcutta Results (updated soon)
2008 Friday & Saturday Scores
2008 Calcutta Results
2007 Friday & Saturday Results
2007 Calcutta Results
2008 Calcutta Results
2007 Friday & Saturday Results
2007 Calcutta Results
**Player Profiles** (under construction)
Check to see who is Sandbaggin..
Email Joe or Brian with changes to roommates/nights/practice rounds etc, at
bwalks2@yahoo.com or jwalks2@yahoo.com